Sunday, January 5, 2014

Avid Gamer

Disclosure: I am in no way advertising any of these games, nor am I receiving any compensation for mentioning these particular ones. These are just a few I've played throughout my childhood.

Now, I myself am into nearly any sort of game whether it can be played on a laptop or a console. I personally own a PS3, Xbox 360, and an original Xbox, I've previously owned a few other consoles in my childhood years as well. I'm not against males at all when it comes to gaming on mmorpg's or virtual world's, I actually encourage it to the fullest. However, I feel that the female part of the gaming community tends to hide our identities a bit due to the perverts, etc etc. I honestly have never hid that I was a female whilst playing any game, and because of it I have made a lot of fantastic friends who I've grown very close to. I've not only grown close to people all around the world but I've also had the chance to play games with my family, including my sister and even my father. 

From the age of about maybe 7 or 8 my father introduced me not only to the world of video games but also to computers in general. It is because of him that I've decided my career path into graphic design along with being a permanent member to the gaming community. Around the time I was introduced to games, my father let my younger sister and I join him on a game called Everquest II. I grew to love this game so much, that I found that many were similar. Now Everquest was my all time favorite by far game to play and quest on etc, however many things changed through out the years and I broadened my game experience to more and more places. There were games that attempted to push many of these games to the brink such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and even Aion. Many games nowadays are nearly free to play, however back when you had to pay to play I would say hands down was the best time to play. Most popular games now are much too "laggy" to play all together, and quite honestly have become repetitive.

Most games I play now are really big on customization, such as building or designing your own clothing. I will admit, as a female gamer I can say with convidence that I am such a sucker for questing and grinding in order to level. I feel that if you're going to take the time to level all day and night long you can make a name for yourself within that community and therefore make more friends and become good at whatever you do on that said game. I'm not much for being the quiet one on forums or skype chats. I like to keep things interesting and fun for all those who want to be included and because of my cheery attitude about things I'm very helpful with planning. I like being in clans, leagues, guilds, chats, whatever you prefer. It brings me closer to people and helps me become a better player. 

I am extremely big however on quests like I stated before, Fiesta Online is one I've grown very fond of over the years however, there are some mean and inconsiderate human beings who have access to the internet who have pushed me away more towards private servers etc etc. Anyhow, I have been pretty big on both Aion and Perfect World which bring the fantasy-fiction side of me out. Within Aion you have the ability to fly, etc. and Perfect world as well as many other games I've seen you can become different races, and customize how your character looks. 

For now I know I will always want to play video games and enjoy them to the fullest, regardless of if I have to play by myself or learn to make friends with anyone I can. I'm a female gamer and I'm damn proud of it. Below I'll post a few screenshots from my past and present gaming experiences! Until next time everybody, see ya!


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